Black and white photograph of a CURTISS SB2C on display in a field. The plane is roped off to allow a few onlookers at a time. Caption: family photo from late Dora & Tauno Ketonen, Shuniah Street.
Black and white photograph of Nahjus Club members. Front 1. Pete Remple, 2. Reino Oja, 3. Ed Yurichko, 4. Ted Seal, 5. Art Wainio, 6. Dennis Brunette, 7. Armand Lavoie, 8. Onni Paavi. Back 1. Elmer Ranta, 2. Jack Southerland, 3. Toivo Viitanen, 4.…
Black and white photograph of Nahjus Women's Free Exercise Movement drill. L to R 1. Aune Ranta 2. Irene (Maki) 3. Anita Antila, Centre row 1. Elvi Lake 2. Aila (Nurminen) McNeil 3. Henrietta (Steger) Sheare, Front row 1. Edna Hakli 2. Taimi (Maki)…
Black and white photograph of Nahjus Girls in Free Exercise Drill on stage. L. to R. 1. Gladys Hartley, 3. Mariam Waters, 4. Edna Hakli, 5. Lillian LaVallee(McGuire). Girls are dressed in the Nahjus uniform for the time