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Mission Island Marsh Conservation area 1.png
This item contains directions on how to get to the Mission Island Marsh Conservation Area. There is also a list of features the conservation area has. Also included is a map of the area that shows where the trails are and where the conservation area…

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Friends of McKellar - Mission Islands Restoration By-Law Number 1.png
The meeting minutes for the Friends of Mckellar - Mission Islands Restoration by-law. The minutes contain the objectives and goals of the corporation (restoring the islands). Also included in the by-law is the conduct of the affairs of the…

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The Friends of McKellar & Mission Island Restoration Project Info.png
An article depicting how the public supports the protection of wildlife on McKellar and Mision Islands after the new bridge caused more accidents and deaths of the wildlife. It also has a section on research that can be done on the deer and the area…

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The Friends of McKellar & Mission Island Restoration Project Agenda 2009-06-13.png
An agenda for the first annual meeting of the Friends of McKellar and Mission Islands Restoration Project and an update on the development of the project as a whole.

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First Spike Day - The Re-Enactment of the Turning of the First Sod - 2011-06-04.png
This is an outline of the First Spike Day. It includes background information about the re-enactment, such as who, what, when, where, and why. The Friends of Mission-McKellar Islands Restoration (Inc.) organized the re-enactment. The outline also…

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John Remus letter mckellar island 2006-08-25 (11).png
A handwritten note from John L. Remus to Don regarding information for the Friends of the Islands organization that Remus gave to others.

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John Remus letter mckellar island 2006-08-25 (9).png
A letter from John L. Remus to Dr. Scott Hamilton that describes cleaning the areas where industry buildings used to be on the islands and to do research as to what those industries were. Remus asks for a letter that outlines what the departments at…

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John Remus letter mckellar island 2006-08-25.png
Four identical letters from John L. Remus to Colin Bruce, Fraser Dougall, Larry Hebert, and Don Paterson. These letters describe how the islands have deteriorated over the years and how the project can help restore them. Remus thanks each recipient…

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John Remus letter mckellar island 2006-09-13 (9).png
A letter from John L. Remus to Claude Perrier regarding the Friends of the Islands non-profit organization and the McKellar - Mission Islands Restoration Project. The letter mentions who Remus has asked to join the project and various funding to help…

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John Remus letter mckellar island 2006-09-13 (2).png
A letter from John L. Remus to Greg Alexander that mentions how Confederation College and Lakehead University have joined the project. Remus asks for a copy of city-wide plans that the City of Thunder Bay has that include both of the islands.

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