Black and white group photograph of men and women dining at the Hoito in style. Left from right Emmi Seppanen, Selina Makela, John Aho, Hilma Niemi, Vilho Niemi.
Black and white outdoor group photograph of members of the Tarmola Women's Association. Front left to right Mrs. Sammalisto, Tyyne Leivo, Aino Waatainen, Aino Janttu (Pitkanen), Hilma Hietapakka. Back left to right Ulla Pursianen, Meri Pursianen,…
Black and white photograph of Matti and Johanna Mikkela, a pioneer family. The couple are tending to their field. Wooden farm buildings are in the background. The farm was located in Gorham, near Surprise Lake
Black and white photograph of lumber camp cooks sitting together inside lumber camp. In the background are long wooden tables. Women are wearing aprons
Black and white photograph of an unidentified group of women and child outside of log cabin. The group are standing in the snow by the entrance to the cabin