Sepia-toned group portrait of a hockey team. Individuals are identified as follows (back row l/r) Marsden, London Eng; McLelland, Kingston; Tiffin, Stratford; Young, Ottawa; (front row l/r) Stevenson, Toronto; Calvert (Manager), Montreal; Nourse,…
Black and white promotional photograph of the Pasco Hockey Club in 1918-19. Some names listed in the caption are W.E. Rankin, J.F. Paige, E.P. Servais, C. Featherley, R. Ricard, J., S. Lance, J. Arbour, Murray Paige, M.F. Sullivan, A. Pudas
Black and white photograph of the Baby Ruth Hockey Team members. A. Samec, S. Deacon and G. Saxberg are posing in a hockey stance and dressed in the uniform for the time
Black and white promotional photograph of the Port Arthur Westend Hockey Club. L to R executive Alex Thompson Sr. George Elliot (Pres.), Dick Gibbons (coach), Fred Gibbons. Memorial Cup semi-finalists. L to R players John Happonen, Alex Thompson,…
Black and white promotional photograph of the Ottawa Flyers Hockey Team, Eastern Canada finals with Comandos. Bill Maki is in the centre row, fourth from the lelt