Browse Items (20 total)

Lifestyle: Men with horses. Donor: Arlene Everette.

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Black and white photograph of two men standing in front of pile of logs. Printed on a sign in front of the logs: SS. Lawrendoc June 8

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Lifestyle: Gathering in front of the Mokomon railway station, 1912-14. Ralph B. Poutanen (second from right back). Donor: Marlene Markman (Putanen).

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Lifestyle (Outdoors): Men and boys roughhousing in a field in Pearson Township. Donor Jack Lankinen.

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Lifestyle (Farming): Piling hay.

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Lifestyle (Outdoors): Men in canoes. Donor: Forsberg and Dr. Laine Family.

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Life (Outdoors): Men with cross country skis Pike Lake.

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Organizations: Men's and Women's Finnish Choir, PACI Gym, late 1940's. People in photo include: Ralph Poutanen (back row eighth from right), Anna Kuismon (third row fourth from right), Vera Jacobson (third row centre from top), Sunnar Lundquist (back…

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Organizations (Fort William): Fort William Finn Hall interior before 1910. Group in photo may be Executive Committee. People in the photo include Otto Wilen, tailor (fifth from left back row) and Mrs. Aina Wilen (Sixth from left front row). Donor:…

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Genealogy: Arne Luoto. Donor: Hill. 2 copies.

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