Browse Items (24 total)

The January-February 1981 edition of Thunder Gay Magazine. Topics include; Upcoming events in Thunder Bay; a Valentine's day social; the Lakehead University Film Society; a political cartoon; membership information; Gay T.V.; Mailing and phone…

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The November-December issue of the Thunder Gay magazine. Topics include; CGRO (Coalition for Gay Rights in Ontario) meeting; lobbying; the first executive election; the phoneline; a Guelph event; a questionnaire; cut-out Christmas ornaments.

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The first issue of Thunder Gay Magazine, by the then recently formed Gays of Thunder Bay. Topics include; an introduction to the organization and its goals; an upcoming general membership meeting; a call for ideas; and mailing list information

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A newsletter covering recent and upcoming events for the Gays of Thunder Bay organization. Topics include; the benefit social; organization meetings; an upcoming masquerade party; an August barn party; and Mailing List details.

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