Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
Collection Items
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Fall 1998
Articles about Injured Workers' Groups needed; Provincial updates on Injured Workers' Groups.
"Injured Workers...On The Move" resource; Speakers Bureau; Survey for CIWA; Letters to the Editor: Injured Workers' Group success, OWA and Ministry of…
"Injured Workers...On The Move" resource; Speakers Bureau; Survey for CIWA; Letters to the Editor: Injured Workers' Group success, OWA and Ministry of…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Spring 1998
Articles about Provincial Updates on Appeals; British Press Release for Workers' Memorial Day; Supreme Court of Canada / Lung Cancer; "Making Work Fit the Worker". "Together We Can Win" resources; Speakers Bureau feedback; Letters to the Editor-…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Summer 1998
Articles about "The Denial of Chronic Pain"; Provincial updates on chronic pain; Letters to the Editor- WCB and chronic pain, WHSCC Appeal.
"Together We Can Win" video and workbook; Speakers Bureau;
"Together We Can Win" video and workbook; Speakers Bureau;
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Winter 98/99
Articles about WCB's and medical matters; Provincial updates on Medical Issues; Comparative Provincial Medical Practices.
"Survivors" guide for organizing community forums; "Spreading the Word" Project;…
"Survivors" guide for organizing community forums; "Spreading the Word" Project;…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Spring 1999
Articles about "Spreading the Word" Project; Speakers Bureau presenters; workbook for injured workers; Injured Workers Groups intervening for injured workers in the Supreme Court; Kovach v. Singh at the Supreme Court; a view from the Provinces on the…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Summer 1999
Articles about the Peer Support Project; WCB Privatization with Provincial comparisons; CLC convention resolution in support of Injured Workers Associations; work organization.
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Winter 1999
Articles about the "Coming Together" Project; the history of Workers' Compensation; the principles of Workers Compensation; comparisons of Provincial Workers' Compensation Benefits; violations on the principles of compensation; CEO compensation;…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Spring 2000
Articles about Canada Pension Plan - Disability (CPP-D) benefits; Worker's Compensation news; Integration of Canada Pension Plan and Workers Compensation Benefits; Provincial CPP. Internet Access proposals; Injured Workers coming together in New…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Summer 2000
Articles about Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI);
"When the Female Worker Becomes a Machine..."; "Women, RSI and Compensation"; "Working Women Face Unique On-the-Job Stress"; work absence report in Alberta; "Criminal Liability for Employers". Updates…
"When the Female Worker Becomes a Machine..."; "Women, RSI and Compensation"; "Working Women Face Unique On-the-Job Stress"; work absence report in Alberta; "Criminal Liability for Employers". Updates…
CIWA Highlights Newsletter Fall 2000
Articles about experience rating- compensation board funding; provincial comparisons on "experience rating"; Ontario WCB Report; Human Rights Watch Report for U.S. Workers. Letter to the Editor- "Lost at Sea" Memorial Project; Youth Project Report.
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