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Sports (Individuals): Aili Kaarela, gymnast, coached by P. Voutilainen. Photo taken at Open Gym Meet, Port Arthur, Small Finn Hall, 1961. Donor: P. Voutilainen.

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Sports (Individuals): Aili Kaarela, gymnast, coached by P. Voutilainen. Photo taken at Open Gym Meet, Port Arthur, Small Finn Hall, 1961. Donor: P. Voutilainen.

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Black and white photograph of the Reipas Soccer Team. Sudbury, Laulujuhlat. L to R Kaj Wickstrom, 2. Erkki Pajala, 3. Sirkkunen, 4. Mauri Ahokas, 5. Martti Bjorn, 6. Eero Koskinen, 7. Raimo Lind, 8. Aaro Huutinen, 9.Tapio Paalanen

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The first residence building on campus built-in 1961. The original men's residence (now Prettie Residence) was built near the McIntyre River by architects Mickelson, Fraser & Haywood. The men's residence which included recreational and dining…

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Lakehead College Nor'Wester Yearbook 1961.pdf
Yearbook for 1961 College of Arts, Science, and Technology.

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Lakehead College Calendar 1961-1962.pdf
This publication contains the courses being offered at Lakehead University for the academic year of 1961-1962.

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