Black and white promotional photograph of Arvi Ristimaki wrestler striking a staged pose showing his muscular development. Arvi is wearing a one-piece, light-fitting, uniform, usually made of spandex/lycra, or nylon i
Black and white promotional photograph of wrestler Matti Koski. He is stripped to the waist striking a staged pose showing his muscular development. Matti was a wrestler and all around athlete
Black and white promotional photograph of David Takala posing with his arms folded striking a staged pose showing his muscular development. He is wearing an ornate wrestling belt
Black and white promotional photograph of Alex Sipila, Port Arthur wrestler. Alex is stripped to the waist striking a staged pose showing his muscular development. He is wearing black full-length tights
Black and white photograph of Ernie Arthur stripped down to the waist striking a staged pose showing his muscular development. Ernie's great talent was quickly recognized, he was soon to become local main event attraction