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Sports (Teams):Women's 5 pin Bowling Finalists from Thunder Bay who competed in provincial tournament leading up to the World Championships. Back left to right: Helen Plaskett, Mattie Adams, Rachel Adams, Jean Beyko, Irene Sunohara, Lucille Harris.…

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LU Gord Garvie Memorial Wrestling Festival Program 1990.pdf
This program provides background information on the tournament, schedule of events, a spectator's guide, and a history of wrestling at Lakehead.

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Gord Garvie Memorial Wrestling Tournament Program 1995.pdf
This program provides background information on the tournament, schedule of events, a spectator's guide and more.

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Gord Garvie Memorial Wrestling Festival 1990 Pamphlet.pdf
This brochure served as an invitation to the event for Clubs, as well it provided information on dates, events and travel.

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