Browse Items (3 total)

Black and white photograph of a senior choir or singing group. Mr. Pukkala at top – 2nd from left. LTR back – Toivo Laakso,Utto Korpinen, Olavi Kentala; Centre – Sigred Niemi, Katri Salo, Fanni Leivo, Mary Suun; front Yrjo Saivo, Reino Ojala

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MG8,D,5,15,B, I 486.jpg
Black and white photograph of the Oras Choir marching in the Finnish Grand Festival. In photo: Eva Sora (carrying sign), Vieno Rita (behind the sign)

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Black and white photograph of the Men's and Women's Finnish Choir. People in photo include, Ralph Poutanen (back row eighth from right), Anna Kuismon (third row fourth from right), Vera Jacobson (third row centre from top), Sunnar Lundquist (back row…

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