Browse Items (7 total)

Thunderstorm - February 01, 1994.pdf
This issue contains an overview of club and varsity sports, a look into local high school athletics, and a list of team statistics.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Summer 1994 Vol.11 No.2.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains picutres from Alumni Association and Residence events, a President's Prespective, and profiles on graduates of the class of '94.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Fall 1994 Vol.11 No.3.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains an introduction of the six people running the 1995 Nordic World Ski Championships, convocation 1994, Alumni Association updates.

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Agora Magazine-April 1994 Vol.11 No.4.pdf
This issue of the Agora contains an art show article, a report from the president, and an article from Lake Superior Binational Forum.

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Nor'Wester Basketball Program 1994-95.pdf
This handout contains profiles on the athletes and coaches, as well as a schedule for the year.

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LU Varsity Women's Basketball Program 1994-95.pdf
This handout contains the coaches line up, game schedule, and a biography of each player.

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LU Indoor Soccer League Banquet 1994.pdf
This program contains a schedule of events and lists of awards given at the banquet.

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