Browse Collections (27 total)

Whalen Fonds


The Canadian Stewart Company Limited, contractors for the building, compiled this photograph album for James Whalen. The album is a step-by-step…

Contributors: James Stewart & Co.

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Thunder Bay Finnish Canadian Historical Society Collection


Photographs collected by the Thunder Bay Finnish Canadian Historical Society from a wide range of collectors, documenting Finnish immigration to and…

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Silver Islet Collection


Photographs of Silver Islet and the Silver Islet Mine, between 1870 and 1884. Collection General-38.

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Raili Virta Charnesky fonds


Penny Petrone fonds


Oscar Styffe Collection

Oscar Styffe Mg7, G, 1 001.jpg

Photographs from the Oscar Styffe fonds.

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Orillia University Committee Collection


The collection consists of newspapers (primarily the Orillia Daily Packet and Times) with stories related to the proposal to establish a campus of the…

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Northern Woman Journal

1995 Vol 16 No 4 Final issue.pdf

Northern Woman Journal
Published in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Northern Woman Journal (originally called Northern Woman) started in 1973 following the…

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Mid-Canada Development Corridor Conference fonds


Previously described as General Archives #219. The Mid-Canada Development Corridor Conference was held at Lakehead University in August 1969.

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