Browse Items (4225 total)

333 354.jpg
Close-up view of weathering of piece of gneiss in top of C horizon at the profiles in #331 and #332

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332a 353a.jpg
Close-up of structure in lower Bt/Cca showing prismatic-columnar structure; Also N.B. roots and rots channels.

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331 352.jpg
General view of pit showing clay loam under hardwood. Same location as # 329 & 330. Richmond Hill Observatory. Luvisol, P, S, D.

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330 351.jpg
Profile under hardwood (mainly maple) showing Ah;Bt;Cca. N.B. the structure of the Bt. Same as #329 but different lighting.

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329a 350b.jpg
Profile under hardwood (mainly maple) showing Ah, Bt and Cca. Pit at Richmond Hill Observatory.

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328 349.jpg
Well-drained under woodland - Nguru series. Photo: Roger Pitblado.

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327 346a.jpg
Well-drained under wooded grassland in gneissic drift. Photo: Roger Pitblado.

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326 347.jpg
Alluvial sandy clay, poorly drained. Photo: Roger Pitblado.

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325 346.jpg
Poorly drained recent alluvial under sugar cane. Photo: Roger Pitblado

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324 345a.jpg
Profile in weathered gneissic drift, under brush. Photo: Roger Pitblado.

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