Browse Items (4211 total)

341 362.jpg
Profile in well-drained varved clays. LFH;Ae;B:C. Under 65 year old black spruce (fire origin), stand net vol. 147cu.m.; mai 2.26cu.m/ha/yr. Nr. little Abitibi R. A-P Inc. Iroquois Falls

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340 361.jpg
Boundary between dump till and basal till to show pressure lenses orlines in basal till. Same as # 338 & 339. Near Haliburton.

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339 360.jpg
Profile in dump till/basal till, under mixed wood. Haliburton. N.B. sharp boundary between tills and restriction of roots.

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338 359.jpg
Profile in dump till over basal till. N.B. restriction of rooting. Under mixed wood in Haliburton.

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337 358.jpg
Profile under brush same as #336, but closer. N.B. lack of humus in upper layer and stones.

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336 357.jpg
Profile under brush. San Bernardino National Forest.

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335 356.jpg
Surface of wooded soils (hardwoods) in June after complete decomposition of previous years litter. Woodlot nr. Wingham.

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334 355.jpg
Well-drained sandy loam, with Ah;Ae;Bf. under poplar and oak. Next to Indigenous burial mound at Rainy River.

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333 354.jpg
Close-up view of weathering of piece of gneiss in top of C horizon at the profiles in #331 and #332

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332a 353a.jpg
Close-up of structure in lower Bt/Cca showing prismatic-columnar structure; Also N.B. roots and rots channels.

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