LU Week, Vol. 6, No. 6, July 26 1973. Includes: information about Senator Norman McLeod Paterson receives the degree of Doctor of Civil Law (honoris causa) from Lakehead University; Hammarskjold teachers Mr. Bob Elvin and Mr. Eero Vuorinen studies on…
LU Week, Vol. 6, No. 5, July 13 1973. Includes: information about Dr. Melvin W. (Mel) Bartley appointed Honorary Professor in the Department of Geology at Lakehead University (photo); Lakehead University Basketball Camp under the direction of…
LU Week, Vol. 6, No. 4, June 21 1973. Includes: information about Grant Thompson, Vice-President of Finance awarded Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Accountants (photo); entrance scholarship protocols request from COU; National training…
LU Week, Vol. 6, No. 3, June 8 1973. Includes: information about appointment of Dr. William T. Melnyk as Dean of the Faculty of Arts (photo); Midnight Melodrama theatre performances in Port Arthur; Summer Language Training Programme; Department of…
LU Week, Vol. 6, No. 2, May 24 1973. Includes: information about Convocation Speakers Arthur Porter, Professor, Institute of Environmental Advisory Council and Professor John Wendell Holmes, Director-General, Canadian Institute of International…
LU Week, Vol. 6, No. 1, May 17 1973. Includes: information about Canada-Wide Science Fair held at Lakehead University; Parking rates; Family Life Program; appointment of Manuel Suarez to Director of Music (photo); COU updates on university funding;…
Report and plan by Lakehead University "to grow as the University of Choice for Aboriginal students in northern and central Ontario through a community-centred, sharedlearning approach."