Browse Items (77 total)

1973 Issue I-VII CV01.pdf
Vol. 1, No. 1 & 2 (May 1973)
Women’s liberation
General meeting
Women in politics
Women’s conference
Women’s Rights Project
Grassroots movements

Vol. 1, No. 3 (July 1973)
Women’s liberation
General meeting
Crisis shelter

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1974 Issue VIII IX CV01.pdf
Vol 1, no. 8 (January 1974)
Editorial policy
Ontario Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Status of women
Ontario Native Women’s Association
Family planning
Housing project

Vol. 1, No. 9…

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1974 Vol 1 No. 12 CV01.pdf
Vol. 1, No, 12 (August 1974)

Topics Include:
Editorial Policy (Collective Consensus)
Dr. Henry Morgentaler Court Case
Special Report: Rape Case Kenora
Rape Testimony (Letter To The Editor)
Rape Crisis Centres
Self Defence
Nuclear Family –…

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1974 Vol 1 No 13 CV01.pdf
The Northern Woman (Health issue)

Topics include:
Editorial policy
Patient rights
Birth control methods (benefits & disadvantages)
The pill
Intrauterine Devices (IUD)
Voluntary sterilization

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1974 Vol 1 No 14 CV01.pdf
Vol. 1, No. 14 (November 1974)
Title: The Northern Woman: Working Women

Topics include:
Herstory (October & November 1974)
Housework Politics
Economy & Value/Worth of Housework
Local Announcements & Events
Low-wage Women’s Work

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1975 Vol 2 No 1 CV01.pdf
Vol. 2, No. 1 (January 1975)
Title: The Northern Woman: The Birth of International Woman’s Year

Topics include:
Herstory (December 1974)
Northwestern Ontario Information Caravan
Women in the Workforce
Thunder Bay Women’s Initiative &…

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1975 Vol 2 No. 2 CV01.pdf
Vol. 2, No. 2 (1975)
Title: The Northern Woman

Topics include:
UN Human Rights Declaration of The Rights of The Child 1959
Oppression/Victimization of Children
Sexism In Career Counselling
International Day for Children
Women’s International…

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1975 Vol 2 No. 3 CV01.pdf
The Northern Woman: Women’s New Regional Journal

Topics include:
Editorial Policy
Port Arthur Clinic Strike & Allyship
Women Solidarity
Stereotypes & Sexism
“Women’s Libber”
Consciousness Raising Meetings
Disarming Woman…

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1975 Vol 2 No. 4 CV01.pdf
Vol. 2, No, 4 (1975)
Title: The Northern Woman: Women’s New Regional Journal

Topics include:
Women in Distress
Editorial Policy
Quality of Life
Social Work
Social Workers Burnout
Violence Against Women (Testimonial)
Lesbianism &…

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1976 Vol 2 No. 5 CV01.pdf
Vol. 2, No. 5 (1976)
Title: Northern Woman: Women’s New Regional Journal

Topics include:
Rape legislation
Editorial policy
Family property law
Rape crisis centre
Letters to the editor
Lesbian experience
International Women’s Year…

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