Vol 1, no. 8 (January 1974)
Editorial policy
Ontario Advisory Council on the Status of Women
Status of women
Ontario Native Women’s Association
Family planning
Housing project
Topics Include:
Editorial Policy (Collective Consensus)
Dr. Henry Morgentaler Court Case
Special Report: Rape Case Kenora
Rape Testimony (Letter To The Editor)
Rape Crisis Centres
Self Defence
Nuclear Family –…
Topics include:
UN Human Rights Declaration of The Rights of The Child 1959
Oppression/Victimization of Children
Sexism In Career Counselling
International Day for Children
Women’s International…
Vol. 2, No, 4 (1975)
Title: The Northern Woman: Women’s New Regional Journal
Topics include:
Women in Distress
Editorial Policy
Quality of Life
Social Work
Social Workers Burnout
Violence Against Women (Testimonial)
Lesbianism &…
Topics include:
Rape legislation
Editorial policy
Family property law
Rape crisis centre
Letters to the editor
Lesbian experience
International Women’s Year…