Topics include:
Alternative political institutions
Critique of political authority
Day care
Thunder Bay Co-operative Nursery School
Family property law
Topics include:
Port Arthur clinic strike/unionization
Letters to the editor
Women’s studies programs
Rape study
Person’s Case 45th Anniversary
Canadian Civil Liberties Association
Critique of…
Topics include:
Journal distribution and readership
Letters to the editor
Native motherhood
Family property law
Women athletes
Abby Hoffman
Women in sports
Access to sports and fitness for…
Vol. 3, no. 3 (1977)
Title: The Northern Woman: Working Woman Issue
Topics include:
Women’s Credit Union
Quebec election
Northern Women’s Centre open house
Letters to the editor
Christmas & capitalism
Rural living…
Vol. 3, No. 4 (1977)
Title: The Northern Woman Journal
Topics include:
Working Women’s Conference
Equal credit opportunities
Women’s Credit Union
Letters to the editor
Woman of the Year Maria (Kenora Business & Professional Women)
Topics include:
The everyday lives of high school women
Solidarity building & open communication between women
Reading list for women’s liberation
Limitations of high school -…
Topics include:
Transition from paid staff to volunteer collective at the NWJ
London, UK - Rapist reduced sentence
Women’s Outers Club
California - Hitchhiker Rapist acquittal/women’s…
Topics include:
Mother/daughter relationships
Mutual rebellion of mothers and daughters
Funding challenges for the journal
Non-traditional occupations (based on previous gender divisions of…
Topics include:
Shifting focus from oppression to positive news
Highlighting grassroots activist success across Canada
Letters to the editor
Feminism across the spectrum…
Topics include:
Women in transition project for violence against women
Letters to the editor
Police response to battered wives
Causes of wife battering
Needs of battered women