Black and white outdoor photograph of early wrestling and gymnastic group. Wrestlers are lined up in a row L to R 1. Eino Kajander. Athletic awards ribbons are attached to their sweaters
Black and white photograph of F.A.C. Nahjus members. Director Alf Oja, Koski, Makela, Kajander. L to R Back 1. Y.W. Nelso, 2. Nick Kuusela, 7. Reiholahti. Front row 1. Oscar Salo, 2. E. Kajander. Row second from back 1. Lahtimaki, 4. A. Sippila, 5.…
Black and white outdoors photograph of a group of Nahjus Club athletes & wrestlers. A wrestler is demonstrating a wrestling hold. All members are wearing the uniform of the time
Black and white photograph of Einar Salminen and Alf Oja demonstrating a wrestling hold and wearing full-length tights.. Both athletes were Port Arthur wrestlers and members of the Nahjus Athletic Club