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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.7.pdf
This SCM Newsletter contains an editorial on combining the university and technology institute and annouces a new Lakehead College bowling league.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.8.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains an article about working in an Industrial Work Camp for the summer, the Grey Cup Forecast, and a review of the short film Let My People Go.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.9.pdf
This SCM Newsletter announces the death of John F. Kennedy.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.10.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains editorials and articles on Christmas commericalization and religion. SCM also announces new foreign films for this term.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.11.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains an editorial on social welfare, an article on the affect a prohibition of tobacco would have on Canada and announces the 3rd annual Winter Carnival.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.12.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains an article on the joining of Port Arthur and Fort William, a review of the SCM Christmas Conference, and announces a visit from Doug Fisher.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.13.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains an annoucement of students misusing the University Centre facilities and an students opinion on student's ability to express themselves on campus.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.14.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains a schedule of events for the Carnaval Du College and a student's opinion on campus life/involvement.

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Lakehead College Student Christian Movement Vol.1 No.15.pdf
This issue of the SCM Newsletter contains an editorial on the success of the Winter Carnaval, a program of events for the opening week of the University Centre, and announces the debating team placed sixth in an Ottawa competition.

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