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Nor'Wester Magazine-Summer 1995 Vol.12 No.2.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains pictures from the 1995 Nordic World Ski Championships, an article on the reunion of the 1969-1970 Cagers, and Alumni Association updates.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Summer 1996 Vol.13 No.2.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains an article on Jane Taylor, a President's Perspective, and an article on convocation 1996.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Summer 1997 Vol.14 No.2.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains an annoucement of Lakehead's first PhD program in Clinical Psychology, an article on Hong Kong Alumni, and Alumni Association updates.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1989 Vol.6 No.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains a President's Perspective, an article on a Lakehead student receiving the Rhodes Scholarship, and an article outlining why there should be an expansion to the C.J. Sanders Fieldhouse.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1991 Vo.8 No.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester annouces all of the new construction programs happening on campus (Student Centre, Regional Education Centre, & Health Sciences Education Resource Centre)

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1993 Vol.10 No.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains an article on the opening of the Music and Visual Arts building, an annoucement of a new Alumni House, and a President's Prespective.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1994 Vol. 11 Nol.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains a President's Perspective, an article on the Canada Sea-to-Sea Bicentennial Expedition, and Alumni Association updates.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1995 Vol.12 No.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains an article on Tom Miller, an article on David Shannon, and Alumni Association updates.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1996 Vol.13 No.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains a President's Perspective, an article on Timothy Findley, and Alumni Association updates.

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Nor'Wester Magazine-Winter 1997 Vol.14 No.1.pdf
This issue of the Nor'Wester contains an article on Mae Katt, a student in the nursing program and Alumni Association updates.

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