Browse Items (3 total)

MG8,D,5,15,B, I 477.jpg
Oras Choir in Sault Ste. Marie Festival parade. One of the female members of the choir is holding a sign "Oras Kuoro Port Arthur". A crowd of people is watching the parade

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Black and white photograph of Keskus Liitto. Back left to right, Arvo Tuomi, N. Hatinen, Hans Saasto, Santeri Anttila, Emil Maki, Art Kajander, Eino Kuntsi, Vaino
Makela, T oivo lsotalo, Eino Niemi, T oivo Viitanen. Front left to right, Vieno Rita,…

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Black and white photograph of International Co-op Store employees. Front left to right, Mrs. Salli Pentti, Mrs. Mattila, Mrs. Lily Linder, Mrs. Tyyne Sjon, Mrs. Sikus, Mrs. E. Hirmieni, Mrs. Jamsa. Second row left to right, Vesteri Jankin, Mrs. Bryk,…

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