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- Tags: 1982
1982 Lakehead University Forestry Yearbook
Tags: 1982, Forestry, Forestry Faculty, Harvest, Lakehead University Forestry Association, LUFA, Yearbook
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1982-83 Lakehead University Nor'Westers Athletic Awards Banquet Program
Tags: 1982, 1983, Athlete of the Year, Athletics, athletics award banquet, Athletics Awards' Night, Basketball, hockey, judo, varsity athletics, volleyball, Wrestling
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Official opening of the TBFCHS display panel at the Thunder Bay Museum
Tags: 1982, 219 South May Street, Canadan Uutiset, city certificate, Jorma Halonen, June, Ken Boshcoff, Ken Morrison, Lauri Laakso, Matti Nummelin, Organizations (TBFCHS), panel display, Thunder Bay Finnish Canadian Historical Society, Thunder Bay Museum, Walter Assef
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Poster for University Day, 1982
Tags: 1982, poster, Student Union, University Day
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Thunder Gay Magazine, August-September 1982
Tags: 1980s, 1982, August, August 1982, David Belrose, Doug Broman, Faerie, Faerie Gathering, Gay, Gay Library, Gays of Thunder Bay, GTB, Lakehead University, lesbian, Magazine, Media, Michael Sobota, Newsletter, queer, Ric Taylor, Rob Gardiner, September, September 1982, Sociology, Thunder Bay, Thunder Gay
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Thunder Gay Magazine, December 1981-January 1982
Tags: 1980s, 1981, 1982, David Belrose, December, December 1981, Doug Broman, Gay, Gays of Thunder Bay, GTB, Harry Hay, Isabel Andrews, January, January 1982, lesbian, Magazine, Michael Sobota, Newsletter, Paul Winegarden, queer, Thunder Bay
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Thunder Gay Magazine, December 1982-January 1983
Tags: 1982, 1983, David Belrose, December, Doug Broman, Gay, Gays of Thunder Bay, George Clarke, GTB, January, Magazine, Michael Sobota, Newsletter, Thunder Bay, Thunder Gay
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Thunder Gay Magazine, February-March 1982
Tags: 1980s, 1982, Doug Broman, Gay, Gays of Thunder Bay, Magazine, Michael Sobota, Newsletter, Rob Gardiner, Thunder Bay, Thunder Gay
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Thunder Gay Magazine, June-July 1982
Tags: 1980s, 1982, Arja Lane, Bible, Christianity, David Belrose, Doug Broman, Faerie, Faerie Gathering, Gay, Gay Library, Gays of Thunder Bay, July, July 1982, June, June 1982, lesbian, Library, Magazine, Michael Sobota, Newsletter, queer, Rick Taylor, The Body Politic, Thunder Bay, Thunder Gay, United Church
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Thunder Gay Magazine, October-November 1982
Tags: 1980s, 1982, David Belrose, Doug Broman, Gay, Gays of Thunder Bay, GTB, lesbian, Magazine, Michael Sobota, Newsletter, November, October, queer, Rob Gardiner, The Body Politic, Thunder Bay, Thunder Bay District Health Unit, Thunder Gay
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