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Sports (Individuals): Aili Kaarela, gymnast, coached by P. Voutilainen. Photo taken at Open Gym Meet, Port Arthur, Small Finn Hall, 1961. Donor: P. Voutilainen.

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Area cut in 1973, the site was prepared with a chopper in 1977, then TTS in 1978, and planted with black spruce in 1979. Photo 1979. Fraser Co, Edmunston

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Area cut, bladed and seeded to jack pine all in 1975. Aerially herb'd 1980 (2,4-D). After 7yrs. Unexpected success. Bompas Twp. Engelhart M.U.

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Areas of prescribed burns. Ontario, 1960-1982

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Aspen poplar clearcut 1979, after 3 yrs. N.B. regeneration and standing background. Shining Tree M.U. The person is Mike Innes.

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Aerial view of 15yr-old cutover. N.B. natural regrowth is scattered. Grand Falls, Abitibi-Price.


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Balsam fir and white birch in old (15yrs+) cutover. Grand Falls, Abitibi-Price.


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Bisequum of a podzol developing in a gray wooded; N.B. the lower B of the gray wooded above a darker brown C(/). Photo: Canadian .Department of Agriculture. Alfisol, P, C, D.

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Black spruce one year after planting. The person is Harold Peacock. N.B.I.P., Napadogan

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Black spruce was planted in 1965 at 15yrs. The person is Conn Howe. Camp 16, J.D. Irving, Black Brook

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