Browse Items (4302 total)

1719 1791.jpg
General view of loblolly pine ca. 35-40yrs. Brunswick GA.

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General view of planted cutovers. N.B. residual forest along the stream. Fraser Co. Edmunston.

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1716 1788.jpg
General view of young (ca. 10 yrs) loblolly pine plantation. Savannah, Union Camp

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1709 1781.jpg
Heavily thinned loblolly pine plantation. The person is Clarence Coons. Continental Forest Industries, Augusta

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1817 1886.jpg
HQ. for Brockville soils course, the "Queen of the Islands",

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091 100.jpg
Humic podzol; N.B. intense Ae and dark colour of Bg due to humus andiron. Photo Can. Dep. Agric. Spodosol, P, M, D.

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1663 1735.jpg
Hybrid and biomass trials of poplar and red alder. The person is Brian Barkley. Kemptville

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1690a 1762a.jpg
Irving and Abitibi-Price staff at the memorial to the 100 millionth tree. Veneer gate, Black Brook. J.D.Irving

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1149 1210.jpg
jack pine paper pot planted August 1974. after 1 year. J.D.Irving, McKean Brook, Chipman

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2093 2166.jpg
Jack pine planted 1985. No herbicide treatment. cf slide #2094. Repap. Miramichi.

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